Inyo County
Water Department
LADWP's proposed Sprinkler Irrigation Reduction Program
On September 7, 2005, the Inyo County Water Department received the following
notice of preparation from LADWP: Notice of
Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report on the Sprinkler
Irrigation Water Conservation Incentive Program
MB) - includes an Initial
Environmental Study.
Excerpted Project Description: "LADWP proposes to
implement a water conservation program to promote irrigation efficiency
on LADWP lands in Inyo County that are leased as pastures for livestock
grazing and alfalfa fields and are irrigated using sprinklers. The
program, on a voluntary basis, would allow lessees to receive a
financial credit for reducing water use by increasing sprinkler
irrigation efficiency. The financial credit would be 5 percent of the
rent payment for the land leased with each 0.1 acre-foot per acre
(AF/acre) of water conserved below the current allotment of 5 AF/acre.
The maximum credit a lessee would be allowed to receive is 75 percent of
the total rent, corresponding to 1.5 AF/acre of water conserved. LADWP
would provide guidance and assistance for increasing sprinkler
irrigation efficiency through non-structural improvements. The program
would be implemented by including new provisions in the lease agreements
at the time of renewal or in separate water conservation agreements to
be signed by LADWP and the lessees."
Inyo County's response to LADWP's Notice of Preparation
On October 7, 2005, Inyo County responded with this
letter to LADWP
Extracted Primary Points:
- "The City shall not reduce the amount of water that it
provides for uses in the Owens Valley pursuant to Section IV. A of
the Long Term Water Agreement..."
- "The proposed project includes irrigated lands identified as
mitigation in the 1991 EIR."
- "The EIR should provide a description of the baseline
conditions to be used to assess whether changes on the lands that
will be subject to the project in the future would constitute a
significant impact and whether conditions are consistent with the
goals and principles of the Water Agreement."
- "The EIR should describe whether the project results in a
change of the source of irrigation water to the lands that will be
affected by the project."
- "The EIR should provide a clear and complete description of
the conservation methods that will be implemented on each lease that
is subject to the proposed project."
- "The EIR should clearly describe if a lessee opts to join the
program, can the lessee later opt out of the program, and if so,
will the water supply to the lease revert to five-acre feet per
- "The EIR should address the potential impacts resulting from
a reduction in runoff or tailwater from irrigated lands that
would occur under the proposed project."
- Conclusion: "We strongly urge the LADWP to bring the
details of this proposed project to the Technical Group and/or the
Standing Committee, as may be appropriate under the terms of the
Water Agreement, for consideration at the earliest possible