Inyo County
Water Department
of Re-Inventoried Vegetation Parcels According to Drought Recovery
Policy 2000-2005, by S. Manning
Agricultural Legacies in the Great Basin Alter Vegetation Cover,
Composition, and Response to Precipitation, in
Ecosystems journal (2006, Volume 9, Number 8 / December, 2006) DOI
10.1007/s10021-005-0069-7, A. Elmore, J. Mustard, S. Hamburg and
S. Manning. (Contact
Sally to obtain a copy)
Decline in alkali meadow vegetation cover in California: the effects of
groundwater extraction and drought,
Journal of Applied Ecology (2006) 43 (4), 770–779.
DOJ:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2006.01197.x, A. Elmore, S. Manning, J. Mustard,
and J. Craine. (Contact
Sally to obtain a copy)
Water balance for Great Basin phreatophytes derived from eddy
covariance, soil water, and water table measurements,
of Hydrology
(2006) 329, 595– 605, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.03.013, A. Steinwand, R.
Harrington, and D. Or, Sept 2006 (Contact
or Bob to obtain a copy)
Plant Communities of
LADWP Land in the Owens Valley: An exploratory analysis of baseline
conditions, S Manning, November 1997
Download large pdf (13MB) here
Recruitment Analysis Report
Analysis of Conditions in Vegetation Parcel Blackrock 94
- Forensic Isotope Analysis to Refine a Hydrologic Conceptual
Model by R.L Bassett, Aaron Steinwand, Saeed Jorat, Christian
Petersen, and Randy Jackson, in Hydrology (Email
Steinwand for article in pdf)
- Development of a Groundwater Flow Model
for the Bishop/Laws Area
(5.5MB) Final Report for Local Groundwater Assistance Grant Agreement No.
4600004129 R. Harrington, April 2007
- Water Table Fluctuations Due to Pumping by Wells Exempt From the Well
Turn-Off Provisions of the Inyo/Los Angeles Long Term Groundwater
Management Agreement
August 2007
- Comparison
Multiple Linear Regression and MODFLOW Simulations of Constant Pumping
of Wells Exempt from Turn-Off Provisions of the Water Agreement
(Feb 2006)
- Development of
Hydrologic and Vadose Models to Improve Groundwater Management in the
Owens Valley
(3.2MB) R. Harrington and A. Steinwand, Nov 2003
- Water Table Fluctuations Resulting
From Management Under the Drought Recovery Policy and the Green Book,
1989 to 2000
A. Steinwand and R. Harrington, Feb 2003
- Simulation of Water Table Fluctuations at
Permanent Monitoring Sites to Evaluate Groundwater Pumping
Steinwand and R. Harrington, Feb 2003
- Updated regression models for forecasting
pumping-induced water table fluctuations
(June 1999)
- Multiple regression modeling of water
table response to groundwater pumping and runoff
(Nov 1998)
- Evaluation
of the Hydrologic System and Selected Water-Management Alternatives in
the Owens Valley, California (USGS Water Supply Paper, 1998)
- Multiple regression modeling of water
table response to groundwater pumping and runoff
(Nov 1998)