Blackrock 94

In July 2007 the Technical Group received a letter from the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) stating that vegetation degradation was proceeding rapidly in vegetation parcel Blackrock 94 in the Thibaut-Sawmill wellfield. Based on an examination of vegetation and hydrologic data, the CNPS concluded that serious negative trends in ecosystem condition are occurring at Blackrock 94. In response to this letter, the Technical Group agreed to examine the issue based on the Inyo-Los Angeles Long-Term Water Agreement’s (LTWA) provisions for determination of a significant effect on the environment. The LTWA provides a three-step evaluation for determining whether an effect is significant. First, the effect must be measurable. Second, if an effect is measurable, its causes are evaluated as to whether the effect is attributable to LADWP groundwater pumping and/or a change in past surface water management practices. Third, if the effect is due to groundwater pumping and/or a change in past surface water management practices, its degree of significance is evaluated.
On May 1, 2012, Inyo County made a request to the Inyo County/Los Angeles Technical Group Pursuant to Water Agreement Section XXVI.B.1 for Resolution of Issue Concerning Vegetation Parcel Blackrock 94. In accordance with the provisions of Section XXVI of the Inyo County/Los Angeles Long Term Water Agreement (LTWA), the County of Inyo notified the Inyo County/Los Angeles Standing Committee that the County had submitted a dispute over vegetation parcel Blackrock 94 to mediation/temporary arbitration. By a revised stipulation signed on July 11, 2013, opening briefs by both parties to the dispute were submitted to the Mediation/Temporary Arbitration Panel with a deadline of July 26, 2013.
Blackrock 94 Documents
Final Blackrock 94 Resolution 4-29-14
BLK 94 Press Release (4-29-14)
Technical Group Areas of Agreement/Disagreement Regarding BLK 94 Dispute (4-14-14)
Inyo Co Reply to LADWP Closing Report to the Tech Group Re: Vegetation Changes in BLK 94 (4-4-14)
LADWP BLK 94 Closing Report (3-28-14)
Inyo Co BLK 94 Closing Response (2-14-14)
LADWP Final Blackrock 94 Report (12-18-13)
Findings and Partial Interim Award (10-21-13)
LADWP Response Brief (9/3/2013)
LADWP Initial Brief (7/26/2013)
Inyo Co. Initial Brief (7/26/2013)
Request to Tech Group for Resolution of BLK 94 (5/1/12)
LADWP Review of Inyo Co Water Dept Analysis of Conditions of Vegetation at Parcel BLK 94 (9/6/11)
Inyo Co Water Dept Analysis of Conditions in Parcel BLK 94 (2-2-11)